Council Grants
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     Archived Copy of Milford Haven Town Council Website

The Town Council has a limited budget to spend under Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972. This allows the Council, under certain circumstances, to give grants to local organisations. Below is an extract of the Act. Section 137 Local Government Act 1972 The expenditure must bring some direct benefit to the area or part of it, or to some or all of the inhabitants. This means that it must be possible to point to some way in which, in the broadest sense, the area or its inhabitants will be better off as a result of the expenditure. Direct benefit must be commensurate with the expenditure involved. It is for the council, acting reasonably, to judge whether this test is met, but they need to consider whether the expenditure is reasonable in relation to the degree of direct benefit that it will produce. The important thing to remember is that Section137 cannot be spent on an individual E.g. a young scout may ask the council for financial help to enable a visit to an International jamboree in South America. Worthy as this may be the council cannot agree because the statute says that Section 137 money must benefit ‘some or all of the inhabitants.’ However if the request came from the scout troop the council could consider a grant to the troop as a whole; it would then be benefiting ‘some’ inhabitants. If you would like to apply for a grant and you believe the application is in accordance with the above then you can apply in writing to the council Mrs M. L. Galliford Town Clerk Milford Haven Town Council Town Hall Milford Haven Pembrokeshire SA73 3JW Tel No 01646 692505

Grants and Financial Aid

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